Mother killed her teenage son along with lover मुजफ्फरनगर। मुजफ्फरनगर जिले में रिश्ते का...
Crime News
10th class student committed suicide by jumping from a three-storey building जयपुर। जयपुर में...
Police interrogated four hundred and fifty miscreants, then the secret of murder was revealed...
Retired soldier shot father son after entering the house, son’s death, father’s condition critical...
Rape done on the pretext of love, then sold the girl for two lakhs,...
जौनपुर। जमीनी विवाद में भतीजे ने अपने चाचा को गोली मारकर घायल कर दिया...
Together 19 women were sentenced to life imprisonment, know what is the matter नई...
The heart came on the brother-in-law, he got the husband killed, had decided to...
Dead body found hanging in the mud, murder fear, sensation in the area सहारनपुर।...
Brutal murder of young BJP leader, police force deployed in large numbers in the...